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Friday, April 22, 2011

More Musing in.... The Santa Fe Style

This latest creation in from an old, 1940s wood spoon rack that had some chips and nicks and didn't look too appealing in its current state. Even though I had some restoration stains and fixers, I decided to try a new look in the Santa Fe Style. Using paints on hand, regular household primer with color and acrylic art paint , I applied the medium-dark color first. Once that dried, I lightly went over it with the dry brushed the lighter color and blended in a  few darker colored (green & blue) accent strokes with the art paint. After it was dried completely,  I gently sanded the edges and thin spots to expose the different shades of the natural wood underneath.

It's still a work in process since I may decide to add some hooks and make it more practical.

Once completed, it will either go into a local consignment store, an Etsy store, or entered into a local arts & crafts show.

Stay tuned for more adventures in......creative endeavors.

NOTE: This item has SOLD.