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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wishing Woman

Shortly after moving from Los Angeles to New Mexico,  I was feeling very artistically stagnant. My ceramic equipment was still packed nearly two years after the move. This was the first time in 14 years where I couldn't seem to draw on any inspiration.

Then, one day, I was flipping through the local paper and two things caught my attention. The first was a fifty percent off Michael's Art Store coupon. The second was a call for artists to submit a post-card size painting to the New Mexico Women's Foundation Fund Raiser.

It had been ten years since I did any painting and it was not my best medium. I was hesitant about entering since the gallery sponsoring the show was in Santa Fe.  I wanted to introduce myself and get my foot in the door to galleries in New Mexico, but I wanted it to be with my stronger medium.

With the deadline fast approaching and no imminent inspiration, I almost decided not to enter.  Even the theme :"Wishing you were here" felt so intimidating to me at that point.

I tried various sketches but nothing was panning out to the quality I wanted to enter. In my frustration, in the middle of ripping up the sketches, I saw a flash of image of a colorful painted woman. I quickly began to sketch the image of what I had seen.

It was a simple image with a certain purity and power emanating from it. I quickly kept sketching until my sketches matched exactly what I had seen in my vision.

Painting the sketches was a little more challenging. I had used acrylic paint, instead of oil, my preferred paint, for fast drying since I only had a few days to submit.

When the deadline came, I had a finished one that I felt good enough to submit.

A new series had emerged: "Wishing Woman"

As my caption reads on my website:  "Wishing Woman" captures the "Magical Spirit" of the realm of wishing, the time between "believing" and "receiving" what your heart desires.

Although this series will be a limited edition, it certainly had unlimited possibilities. I'm currently working on a ceramic series of it, too.

If you like more information or would like to see other paintings, please visit my Etsy site: Vyktoryas.etsy.com